主曆 200854



¿ CM proudly presents Gene Yang to share his story of success to our CM students and families on 5/18 at lower Church right after English mass. Welcome everyone to join this presentation.
Gene Yang grew up in the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community. He was involved with Watermark Youth Group for a number of years before becoming a Computer Science teacher at Bishop O'Dowd High School in Oakland, California. Gene loves to draw Comic books. His most recent graphic novel, American Born Chinese, was nominated for the National Book Award and won the American Library Association's Michael L. Printz Award.


¿ 蔣範華修女行程安排:
5/4: 中半島信仰講座
聯絡: 羅高雄 (650-328-5838)
5/5~5/8: 中半島教友/西北區教友各別約談
約談安排: 中半島 羅高雄 (650-328-5838)/西北區;馮香娥(650-493-7319)
5/12~5/16: 西區/ Cornerstone 教友各別約談
約談安排: 西區 -張永錦(408-777-3565) / CornerStone -張嘉玲 (408-725-8926)
5/17: 講習會: 比翼?飛-婚姻中的界線
地點: St. Clare Parish, Parish Hall
時間: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
聯絡: Amy-WaterMark (High School Parents Group)



¿ 松柏組活動: 和平之后朝聖 (Our Lady of Peace)
日期: 5/10(週六)
時間: 10:00am 在和平之后朝聖面前集合
活動內容: 顧神父主持。恭唸玫瑰經、 唱聖歌、朝拜聖母。11:00am 結速。



¿ 想全家觀賞一場免費的棒球賽嗎? 5/30 星期五在Municipal Stadium San Jose (Giants vs. Modesto Nuts).
免費票可在Parish Rectories索取。Serra Club送的票,謝謝他們。


¿ 2008年家庭信仰生活營
時間:5/23(週五) 5:00pm至5/25(週日) 2:00pm
地點:St. Clare Retreat Center
2381 Laurel Glen Road, Soquel, CA 95073
(831) 423-8093
報名:Amy Li (408)252-3317,祝俊芬(408)248-7529


¿ 為聖召祈禱:
每月第四個星期二 5:15pm St. Clare教堂 5:30pm 有彌撒接著有聖體降福。歡迎大家參與。


¿ 聖召組活動:
6/21~6/22: 丁松青神父介紹手著的4本書,分享40聖召經驗。
聯絡: 陳海霞,陳昌宇。


¿ SJCCC 2008 主席團改選
3/30: 宣布主席團改選: 主席團名額最多四人.
候選人資格: 凡在團體內登記註冊並年滿23教友經兩名教友推薦及當事人同意即可. 選舉人資格:凡在團體內登記註冊並年滿18歲的教友
3/30: 接受主席候選人推薦 請區組長踴躍推薦 請向工
5/4: 作小組索取 推薦表
5/5: 主席團候選人神類分辨
5/25: 介紹主席團候選人
5/25: 分發選票同時接受投票
6/15: 投票截止 當天並開票
6/21: 正式公告主席團選舉結果


¿ 福傳組的募書需要您的支持及參與!



¿ In Beijing China, for 24 days, study, travel, volunteer, experience Chinese culture with Loongbridge Summer Programs (visit website: http://www.loongbridge.com)
1) Language and Arts: 6/28-7/21, 7/19-8/9 (Age 12-20)
2) Volunteer and Culture: 6/28-7/22, 7/10-8/3 (Age 14+).
Pinyin (Phonetic), Chinese speaking/writing/reading;
1-on-1 partnerships with local Chinese students;
Skills of Erhu, Chinese Painting, Tie-Dye, Paper-cuttings, Martial Arts;
Tours Beijing, Xi'an, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Mongolia;
Museum, Beijing Opera, Face/Mask Changing, Tea Arts;
News photography skills and "China in My Eyes" Photo Movie Competition.
Volunteers get 50 credits teaching in International SOS Children's Village China.



¿ Northern California Renewal Coalition Catholic Charismatic Convention
Next month is the 21st year of the Northern California Renewal Coalition Catholic Charismatic Convention. It will be held on 523-5/25 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California. This year’s theme is “Build up the Kingdom of God for the Reign of Jesus.” This will be a time of praise, worship, reconciliation, teaching with miracles and healing. For information and registration, go to www.ncrcspirit.com or call the Convention Office at 1-707-643-2238.








Loving God, the birth of your Son brings the light of your presence to a waiting world. Enlighten young people to accept the call and challenge to share your presence with others as priests, deacons, religious, and lay ministers, so your light will continue to shine for all to see. Amen.




顧光中神父408-293-7599  王楚華神父408-354-0975


粵語 週日下午  0130  St. Clare Church

國語  週日下午  0300  St. Clare Church

英文  週日下午  0300  St. Clare Church


國語  週 六上午  0800  Ascension Church
12033  Miller   Ave.  Saratoga


粵語  週日下 午  0100  St. Clare Church

國語  週日下 午  0230  St. Clare Church 

松柏組 黃崇文
北區 胡台娥 第一,三 周五 (一組)
第二、四 周五 (二組)
南區 劉薔薇 第二,四 周五8pm
西北區 馮香娥 周五 8pm
西區一組 陳寶蓮 周五8pm
西區二組 米波,朱慧 第二、三、四 周五 8:45pm
西區三組 王緒常 周五8pm
西區四組 鄭娟娟 第二、四 周六8pm
信仰生活小組 趙忠 第二、四 周五 10am
青年組 陳進坤 第二周五8pm在Rm 5
磐石Cornerstone 李立萱 周五8pm在St. Joseph
燈塔Lighthouse1 李嘉安 第一、三周六8pm
燈塔Lighthouse2 Nick 第二、四周六 7:30pm
Watermark High School Patrick Every Saturday 8 pm in Rm 5
Watermark Young Adultl Steve Every 2nd, 4th Friday 8 pm

明供聖體 (每月首週六)週六下午 0730

聖神同禱會 (每月首週六)週六下午 0745 (每月首週六除外) 樓下教堂,每月第四週有彌撒

成人慕道 徐伯初

每週通訊 吳友涵

禮 儀組 (國語)   王恩琪 408-453-3579

                           黃天佳 408-291-0250

禮 儀組 (英語)   Joanne Chao 650-906-1456

婚姻輔導   鄺仁昌 408-270-3080

嬰兒領洗   周守華 408-921-9837

松柏組    黃崇文  

婚禮彌撒  顧神父   408-293-7599

葬禮彌撒  顧神父   408-293-7599

葬禮         劉明毅   408-272-1283


接待組   梁廣濟 408-926-2447
