ÓÓÓ 20/20的聲音 ÎÎÎ 我對團體未來的意見 徐琪 謝謝邀約團體成員表達對20/20的意見,每個人有不同的性情、能力與興趣,現在輪到我,以拋磚引玉的心情,腦力激盪的態度,寫自己的想法。 1. 團體需要一個共同的目標───福傳。 目的:幫助大家對「福傳」保持警醒的態度。每三年做一次。 2. 建立和好祈福聚會。 目的:團體成員為團體的益處著想,但難免有意見紛歧,爭執的發生;或是一些無心之言,或是沒有意識的態度,卻造成錯誤的解讀,若能有機會讓團體成員聚一起,每季一次,在天主的光照下,在祈禱的氣氛中,靜默或自由的表達心裡的和好意念,同時也為團體的發展或其他意向求主引領。 3 成立兒童合唱團 目的:招收團體內外的小朋友們,教唱中外歌謠及聖歌。服務社區並有教授中文歌謠的機會。藉此也許可以招募新人。
ÓÓÓ Voice of 20/20 ÎÎÎ Chinese in the Catholic Church Henry Shu “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,…” (Mt.28:19). This was the last command of Jesus to His disciples in the Gospel of Matthew. But even from the very beginning, we can see the movement of God, from one person, to a family, to twelve tribes, to a nation, and with Jesus, to “all nations.” In the Book of Acts we can see how God Himself guided the Church from the center of the Jewish world, to the center of the known world of the time: Rome. The story does not end there because we are apart of it now. Even in the last millennia, we cannot discount the influence of the work of God in the great nations that held power over the Earth. First Europe, and then America. As Chinese people, we all know inherently that China is a nation that is rising in power and status, albeit patiently, working through the problems of a fast developing nation. But that is exactly why so many of us are interested in doing business there, or already have immigrated back. We also know of the strife between the government and the Church there. As a Chinese Catholic, I think it is safe to say that China is not only on the “other side of the world” from Europe, but also from Christianity in one way or another. Could it be one of the last few nations that Jesus meant when he said “all nations?” I believe it is. And for us, being Chinese and Catholic we are at the cutting edge of the making “disciples of all nations” that Jesus commanded. Personally, I think that not only are we to be made disciples, but the future plan (looking at the trend of the evangelization of “third world countries”) is that we who are evangelized will be coming back to re-evangelize those of the “Christian” countries. Of course for this to happen, China must first be made a disciple. This will obviously not be easy. It will be like trying to evangelize to the whole world! How does this affect us and our community? Whether we like it or not, our community and the other Chinese communities are and will be examples (good and bad) to the developing Church in China. Being in a “free” country, we are able to fully develop our Catholic faith in a truly Chinese context. And whether we’re able to do this rightly and in the way God has planned for us is up to each and every one of us and our children (they are of course, the present and the future). Are we willing to participate in the honor of being a part of God’s plan? It’s not just a gift, but it’s also commanded by Jesus Himself! How willing are we to do God’s work humbly as He did? How willing are we to take part in the evangelization of our children whom He placed in our care and responsibility? They are of course, the future Chinese no matter what happens. But will they be Catholic and a part of the plan of God? Are we? <回總年份目錄
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