身教          伍棟樑神父        徐麗華譯







常年期﹝乙年﹞第16主日彌撒證道辭,722─23日,2006 請參閱瑪爾谷福音第63034

The late Pope John Paul II wrote 14 encyclicals--official letters to the Church on various subjects--over the course of his 27 years as pope.  But can anyone here remember a line from any of those encyclicals?  I know I can't.  And yet how many of us can forget those scenes of the pope as his life was coming to an end: a man old and sick, struggling to walk and talk, but still carrying on, doing his best to lead the Church.  John Paul was a great teacher, and that's why he knew that the best way to teach was by his own example.  The pope's final lessons for us were about the dignity and value of the sick and elderly and the importance of faithfulness to the end.

John Paul II, of course, was in his life only imitating Jesus, who also knew that the best way to teach was by example.  Yes, as our gospel says, "he began to teach them many things."  But the first of those many things that day was the necessity of putting others first.  He taught that lesson by taking the time to speak to the "vast crowd" even when he and the apostles clearly wanted to get away for a break.

If there are children we want to teach about faith, whether they are young and just learning about God or grown and have already decided that church is not for them, the best way to teach them is by the faith we express--with openness, devotion, and joy.  If there are friends we'd like to teach about true friendship, the best way to teach them is by being a true friend to them, lending an ear or a hand, sticking with them through thick and thin.  If there are employees we want to teach about good relations with the public, the best way to teach them is by being kind, honest, and fair with all the people with whom we deal, including them.  If there is a world we must teach about peace, the best way to teach it is by respecting those who are different, resolving our conflicts without physical or verbal violence, and forgiving our enemies.

As followers of Christ the Teacher, we all have a responsibility to teach.  But let's learn from Jesus' own method.  Example works better than words.

16th O.T. (B)  July 22-23, 2006  5 & 8  see Mark 6:30-34


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