







It's a dirty little secret. We might say that we don't need thanks, recognition, support from other people but I think most of us really do.  We need those words and gestures: a phone call, a compliment, an e-mail, a gift, a hug, some sign that somebody, anybody cares.  If we don't get those words and gestures, or if we don't get enough of them, we feel unappreciated, unnoticed, unsupported, and, worst of all, unloved.

In our second reading we hear that "love is of God."  Note that it does not say that "love is of people."  We all have some ability to love, of course, but that ability comes from God, who is love's origin.  Since human beings are weak and foolish and sinful, human love, no matter how deep or sincere, is always imperfect, unreliable, and insufficient.

Perhaps, then, we are too dependent on the love of people; we need their words and gestures too much.  Perhaps instead of spending our lives trying to get people to love us, it would be better for us to remember that God's love gave us life and sustains us in life.  Perhaps instead of worrying about whether or not people love us, it would be better for us to remember that God's love stays with us, regardless of how anyone else may feel about us.  Perhaps instead of waiting for people to love us, it would be better for us to remember that God's love is already ours.

6th Sun. Easter (B)  May 20-21, 2006   7, 8, 11

see 1 John 4:7-10



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