
I felt great because I finally get to receive the Holy Communion. I liked the presents. The Communion tastes like nothing.

I feel great. I don't like the clothe I have to wear. I am proud of myself to have First Communion.

I felt 25% OK and 75% Good.

I feel happy because I have the body of Christ in me. From now on, I can receive the Holy Communion just like everyone else that's older than me. I learned that Jesus did a lot of suffering for us.

I feel great because I finally received my first communion, and be closer to Jesus and God. I liked the part when we sang the song.

I feel great because I just received my First Communion. I feel wonderful because we can received the Holy Communion every Sunday now.

I feel great when it is my turn to receive the Holy Communion. I feel that God is with me. I feel happy.

I felt great when I received my Holy Communion because I liked the part when I received the Holy Communion and I also liked the part when we sang the Communion song.

Michelle Wang:
I feel happy because now I don't have to worry about my sister making fun of me. I felt weird when I have to wear that dress, because I don't wear dresses often.

Michelle Wong
I had a great First Communion. My Mom took pictures of me and I had ten presents. I had a great day.

It makes me feel special. I feel God is in me. It feels good in me. 

I feel happy. When I was still celebrating, I feel shy. I also feel weird when I had my dress on.

I feel great because I received Holy Communion. I feel that God is with me. I feel like God is watching me. I also thank God for everything.

I feel nervous because there are too many people. I like the white dress. If I have to do it again, I won't be nervous anymore. The bread tastes like nothing.

I feel very happy when I received my First Communion. It kinda feels like heaven. I am nervous because there are a lot of people watching us.




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