The Homily of the 7th Sunday of Ordinary Mass

By Fr. Kimm                                                  ®}ÄRµØĶ

Some of you are old enough to remember the days of the old Latin mass, when the only people anyone heard talking in church were the priest and the altar boy.  Going to mass was a very quiet experience.  Today we are so used to participating in the mass that it would seem odd not to recite the creed or the Our Father, or not respond with "Amen" at the end of prayers, "Thanks be to God" at the end of readings, or "And also with you" when the priest says, "The Lord be with you."


Looked at from a different perspective, however, it doesn't really matter if we say anything in church or not.  The four men and their paralyzed friend don't seem to utter a word in our gospel story and yet Jesus knows that the four have faith and that their friend somehow merits forgiveness.  That's because God listens more to our hearts than he does to our words.


On one hand, there are a lot of people who are only too happy to talk endlessly about God and Jesus and religion.  When they're not saying prayers, they'll tell you how inspired they are by some holy person or how important some holy thing is in their lives.  On the other hand, there are people who don't want to talk about God and Jesus and religion.  Either they like to keep their beliefs private or they don't have beliefs of which to speak.  And then there are all of the people in between, those for whom words of faith may occasionally escape their lips.  But in all cases, it's hearts, not words, that have God's undivided attention--and he's come to expect surprises.


Words can be untrustworthy: we can string them together to say something good and beautiful that has absolutely no correspondence to reality.  Hearts don't lie--at least not to God.  They will tell him who really believes and who's just talking.


7th Sun. O.T. (B)  Feb. 18-19, 2006  7 & 8  see Mark 2:1-12



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