The of the 2nd Sundayof Easter Mass

      By Fr. Kimm

            The pope knew the seriousness of his condition.  He was aware that his life on this earth was coming to an end.  And yet I heard him described over and over again as "serene."  At one point he even requested that those closest to him "do not weep."  Instead, he asked, "Let us pray together with joy."

            We can believe because the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and life is good for us and those around us.  But that is not real faith.  Real faith is believing even when a loved one does not recover from illness, believing even when you can't save the marriage, believing even when unemployment stretches into another month, believing even when enemies multiply and friends disappear, believing even when prayers go unanswered.  Real faith is believing when there is no reason to believe, believing when belief seems, quite frankly, absurd.  Real faith is believing without seeing.

            Real faith, then, is necessarily a challenge, but it is not impossible to possess.  The risen Christ will breathe his Spirit upon us, blessing us with the faith that we seek.  If we can open ourselves to him, he will help us to see not with our eyes, so easily deceived, but with our hearts, which can detect even the hidden ways of God.


2nd Sun. Easter (A)  April 2, 2005

see John 20:19-31

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