Fifth Sunday of Easter Mass

By Fr. Kimm

I like visiting other places.  It's getting there that, at least for me, is not half the fun.  Travel by plane is the worst.  There's the hassle of security, the seemingly endless hours of boredom and discomfort on the plane itself, and, if you're really lucky, the terrible experience of running through the airport to catch a flight.  I wish somebody would invent a machine like the ones on "Star Trek": you get inside, someone pulls a lever, and you're instantly transported to your destination.

As John foresees, someday we'll be in a new and completely transformed world, a world where "there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain."  Because of the death and resurrection of Christ, we're on our way--but we're not there yet.  What do we do in the meantime, when people die or get sick, relationships don't last, jobs disappear, the good suffer, the guilty run free, and bad news follows bad news?  How do we make it to the end of our journey?  How do we get to the holy city?

As usual, Jesus has the answer: "love one another."  The love that we share with one another will not prevent grief and sorrow but it will enable us to go on, to put one foot in front of the other, no matter what.  What we do out of love for one another in those inevitable times of crisis--delivering food, babysitting, speaking words of support, listening to a story, or simply being present--all can work wonders.  In fact, at times when this life is not what we hoped it would be, love properly demonstrated by others can offer to us a glimpse of that life that is all we hope it will be.

It may be a while before we arrive in that new and transformed world where God will wipe every tear from our eyes.  In the meantime, love for one another will make getting there a little bit easier.

See Revelation 21:1-5a; John 13:31-33a, 34-35

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