The  6th Sunday of  Easter

-  By Fr. Kimm

There's a new movie out called "Down with Love," starring Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellweger.  Most people would not share the sentiment expressed in that title.  We Christians, of course, are love's #1 fans.  We can't get enough of it.  For us, to use the words of an old song, "love is the opening door, love is what we came here for."  And we talk about it incessantly.  In fact, in the readings and prayers for today's mass, some form of the word "love" appears 21 times.

But we have to exercise caution even with love.  Like any other good thing, it can be misused.  Instead of acting like God is love, we can act like love is God, using love--or what we think is love--as the justification for all kinds of unloving behavior.  Love for my country does not mean I can regard enemy soldiers as less than human or strip immigrants of their rights  simply because they look suspicious.  Love for my church does not mean I can insult its leaders or ridicule its teachings.  Love for a significant other does not mean I can fly into a jealous rage when he or she spends time with someone I perceive to be a threat to our relationship.  Love for my children does not mean I can stand in the way of their pursuit of a future of their own choosing.  Love for myself does not mean I can do as I please with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

God is love; love is not God.  God must come first.  A supposed act of love has no special privileges; it must be governed, like all acts, by God's laws, God's commands.  If an act is truly an act of love, there will be no conflict.                                                            1  John 4:7-10

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