2nd  Sunday in  Advent

-  By Fr. Kimm

I don't have to tell you how common it is today for couples to live together before marriage.  I also don't have to tell you that in spite of its popularity, this practice is still not approved by the Catholic Church.  In doing marriage preparation, of course, I often come across cohabiting couples.  I feel it's my responsibility to mention to them the Church's teaching.  I must confess, however, that whenever I do bring up the subject, I feel like I am a voice crying out in the desert: I'm speaking but there aren't many people listening.

Priests aren't the only ones who can feel like they're voices crying out in the desert.  Those urging non-violent solutions when armies are preparing for war; teachers struggling to give a decent future to apathetic students; friends watching with growing frustration as one of their number continues to deny he has a problem; parents going to mass without their children, who have left the Church--all can feel like any efforts to get through to people, to change minds or hearts, are simply a waste of time.

John the Baptist's original audience in the desert could not have been very large.  But that audience grew as his listeners spread the word about his message and the baptism he was performing.  That could not have happened without the activity of the Holy Spirit--the same Spirit who can, in spite of discouraging results,  fill us with hope and ultimately work through us to change minds and hearts.

see Mark 1:1-8

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