Archive for January, 2010

Walk for Life West Coast 2010

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Walk For Life

On Saturday, January 23, the 6th Annual Walk for Life West Coast will be happening again in San Francisco. It was a great experience for Watermarkers last year! The point of the event is to celebrate life and raise awareness about how we can end the culture of death in the United States. The event is open to women, men, old, and young. This is a family event, so invite your parents too!

There will be speakers talking about their experiences and after they are done, all 30,000+ people walk together down the Embarcadero in prayer. It is a really different experience and not something that you can experience that often.

If you are interested in going, there is a Facebook group at and the main website is We will be meeting at the Fremont BART station that day at 9:50am.

The event organizer is not affiliated with Watermark, but if you have any questions, send me an email at edwardhchow[at]gmail[dot]com or talk to other Watermarkers who went last year.


Who: You, your friends, your parents, your siblings, everyone!
What: Walk for Life
Where: Justin Herman Palaza to Marina Green via the Embarcadero
When: Sat. 1/23 11am-1pm (meeting at Fremont BART at 9:50am)
Why: To celebrate life!

CM Starts Up This Sunday

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Just a friendly reminder that CM starts up again this Sunday, 1/10.

We will have Maryknoll priests as guest speakers for part of class this week. Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation will meet together in Classroom 2 and Post-Confirmation will be in their usual spot in the North Hall.


Thursday, January 7th, 2010

There’s nothing like a good earthquake to remind you how big God is.