SJCCC2020 Project Status

先請大家原諒我們的中英文,我們用的錯別字,或表達的不當,那是我們的不足,不是我們的不敬.我們希望在短時間內,用我們能做到的,以雙語回覆大家.我們 是用我們的愛和我們的心.請大家諒解我們中文,英文及表達能力的缺乏.

感謝我們的善牧,主耶穌,二十多年來的帶領我們團體的成長.感謝天主賜給我們開敏的領導和讓林神父及George神父帶給我們一個豐富的週末.我們非常不 敢當開敏把這個責任寄託給我們,大家也願意接受我們.我們願意繼續奉獻我們微小的能力與大家一起經由整個團體的參與,來聆聽天主對我們的召叫.求主憐憫我 們,帶領我們,添補我們的不足.我們期望天主借用這整個20/20的過程,更新我們整個華人團體的信仰,我們的精神,互相的愛,也讓我們對將來充滿信心及 期望.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

First we ask you for your forgiveness for our poor Chinese, English, and our communication weakness.  We want to provide some feedback to everyone in a relatively short amount of time using both English and Chinese.  We are doing this with our love and our hearts, please forgive us for our limitations and focus on our content and intention.

Praise and thank our Lord Jesus, our good shepherd for leading the community in the past 20+ years.  Thank God for Kai Min's leadership, and for bringing Fr. Lynch and Fr. George to give us the workshop last weekend.  We are very humbled and honored that you have given us the trust to be the "glue" to continue the process to listen to God's calling through the participation from the entire community.  May God provide for our weakness.  We hope, together through this process, God will revitalize the faith, spirit, love, and hope of the entire community.

天主召叫我們每一個人在我們的小肢體中做一個善牧,在這整個20/20的經歷中,我們非常需要您代表您的肢體的意見表達他們的需要,也鼓勵大家的參與.當 我們把球傳給您的時候,我們需要聽到您的回覆.如果您很忙,也請您告訴我們誰將會代表您,或者您需要更多的時間.我們都是為主工作,都是主的僕人,互相回 應是對主及互相基本的尊重.如果您無法或不願意參與某項活動或所有活動,請和我們說,我們尊重您也絕不勉強您,我們可以將您的名字由名單中除去.

God has called each of us to be good shepherds for each within our smaller parts of the body, in this 20/20 process, we will need your active leadership to represent their view, and to encourage everyone's participation.  PLEASE help us, pass the ball to them when necessary, when we need your help, please respond. If you are too busy, please let us know if someone will respond for you, or if you need more time.  We are all serving the same Lord as servants, mutual response shows basic respect to each other and to our Lord. If you do not wish to participate at a certain level, we respect your desire, please let us know and we can take you off the list.

2.我們將在六月告訴大家我們在明年六月底以前預備完成的目標.更重要的事是讓大家明確的清楚什麼不是我們準備做的事.請大家明白20/20是一個計劃的 事務,我們會用一些我們從神父學來的工具去從團體中聆聽天主的召叫,我們會一起達到一個大團體願意接受的遠景,達到一個同工會願意接受的計劃.可是這些計 畫的實行,仍然是主席團及同工會的責任,更是需要每一位教友的參與才能夠達成的目標.

As we stated at the end of the meeting, in the next 30-days, we will try to:
1. off-load our current ministries by identifying our successors and make our orderly transition, please offer your help in the support of Hospitality, Vocation Groups, and other ministries.
2. define the scope of this 20/20 effort from now until June 30, 2007, or more importantly what is NOT in the scope.  Please be reminded, this is a planning project which will use the tools from what Fr. George and Fr. Jim gave us to hear the voices (contents) from the community to define mission, strategy and specific programs.  All of these will be validated and approved by the council and the community.  And all the programs (actions) will be carried out by the council team with the leadership committee, with the participation from the parishioners.

在接下來的十天(5月20日前),如果您有參與上週末的活動,在這週末的經驗還是仍然清晰的時候,我們需要您給我們您對神父教我們的工具的感受及觀點.好 及不好的地方,和您對在大團體中用這些工具可行性的看法(請看以下調查).如果您想直接回覆,您可以打電話給我們.在大團體中執行任何活動都有很多的代 價.我們希望聽見您寶貴的看法.

If you went to the workshop last weekend, in the next 10 days (by 5/20), would you please help us by reviewing the 5 tools from Fr. George and let us know what worked and what did not work from your perspectives, and provide any feedback of whether if it would be useful for the community (please see the survey below).  If you rather talk to us, please call us at home. There are costs and impact for any big/small actions we do, so we want to hear from everyone's valuable perspective.

謝謝您把您寶貴的生命(時間)奉獻給天主和基督的肢體.請您為我們團體的未來祈禱,求主繼續用我們每一位做祂的器皿,將祂的愛傳給他的子民.求主保守,帶 領我們,讓我們為祂做的每一件事都能結出百倍的果實.

Thank you for offering your life (time) and offer your excellent work for Christ and for the community. Please pray for the future our community and may God use us as His instruments to pass His love to His people. May God bless us in everything we do to bear fruits for Him one hundred fold.

Your partner in Christ,
+Tony & Wendar


週末會議照片 Pictures from the weekend (05/06/2006)

工具調查 Input about tools:

請大家讓我們知道您對神父用的工具的感覺,0=沒有用..10=非常好.我們也想了解您對這些工具的看法,闢如:那一個工具讓您最感動,那個最深刻,那個 讓您最能體會團體的長處及短處,團體的趨勢,團體的身分/本質,天主在如何帶領我們,以及這個工具在大團體中的可行度.對我們而言,這週末好像是一個試 驗,我們可以想像如果我們用在大團體中,我們能了解什麼,團體參予的人可能會有什麼感受.我們期待您的答覆,當我們聽到大家的回應,並整理資料後,會和大 家決定一個日子來看看結果及決定下一步.

Please let us know how you felt about the different tools, rank 0 (useless) .. 10 (excellent), and any comments about the tool.  For example, what touched you emotionally the most? what inspired you? from which tool have you learned the most about the trend?  About the identity of the community?  Where God is taking us?  And whether it would be usable for our community.  It was a mini-dry run so it would be good to reflect what we got out of it.  After hearing from everyone, we will propose a date to go over the overall results which we can use to determine the next step.

1. 畫圖表達我們對團體的感覺(及之後的分享)

1. Shape of SJCCC (draw picture and share in small group, group learnings)
    A. 分數/Score (1..10)
    B. 感想/Comments

2. 漸強及漸弱(及之後的分享)
2. What's alive and what's dying (curve going down and then up)

    A. 分數/Score (1..10)
    B. 感想/Comments

3. 團體的歷史(及之後的分享)
3. History (the time line events, write down what we want to keep and get rid of)
    A. 分數/Score (1..10)
    B. 感想/Comments

4. 我們的夢和長遠的期望(及之後的分享)
4. Dreams/hopes for our community (collection of everyone's dreams, and write top 3)
    A. 分數/Score (1..10)
    B. 感想/Comments

5. 近期成功的希望 (1-2年)
5. Define our near term success (group presentation of 1-2 year goals)
    A. 分數/Score (1..10)
    B. 感想/Comments

6. 其他的感受和意見
6. General feedback and suggestions
